
Contests for Kids

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Pick your Library! Library Liaisons applications accepted Aug. 15 - Sept. 15

Kitsap & Mason Kids' Directory Library Liaisons Program for Kitsap Regional Library and Timberland Regional Library (Mason Co. branches only) - Spring/Summer 2022
  • Writing Contests for Kids

    The Betty Awardhttps://www.thebettyaward.com/Ages 8-12 - annual writing contests in spring and fall $300, $200 & $100 prizes
    Cricket Magazinehttp://www.cricketmagkids.com/contests#showhas several art & writing contests each year - get published in the magazine!
    EngineerGirl.orghttps://www.engineergirl.org/134513/2021-contestGrades 3 -12 - next contest is 2021 "A Salute to Engineering" $500, $250 & $100 prizes
    Hutch Kids Magazinehttps://www.hutchkidsmagazine.org/publish-meThis magazine is published by kids, for kids. Accepting original art & writing submissions regularly. Get your work in the magazine!
    National Youth Foundationhttp://www.nationalyouthfoundation.org/student-book-scholar-contest/Ages K - 8 - has contests for student book scholars - Make a team to write a whole book! - next theme is anti-bullying. $500 team prize
    VFW https://www.vfw.org/community/youth-and-education/youth-scholarshipsGrades 7-12 -The Veterans of Foreign Wars organization offers an annual writing contest with multiple scholarships from $1,000 - $30,000! Always a patriotic theme!
    Dandelionhttps://dandelionpreusch.squarespace.com/current-contestoffers 3-4 writing contests each year - no cash prizes, just fame ??
    Write the Worldhttps://writetheworld.com/competitionshas several writing competitions each year $100 and $50 prizes
    Alliance for Young Artists & Writershttps://www.artandwriting.org/Grades 7-12 Multiple Art & Writing contests! Scholarship possibilities
    Fleet Reserve Associationhttps://www.fra.org/fra/Web/Events_and_Programs/7_12th_Grade_Essay_Contest/Web/Content/Essay_Contest.aspx?hkey=707c4b42-2eb8-4992-9d57-31b8bd14c68aGrades 7-12 annual AMERICANISM ESSAY CONTEST, $5,000 grand prize + $2,500 1st, $1,500 2nd and $1,000 3rd places
    Bennington Collegehttps://www.bennington.edu/events/young-writers-awardsGrades 9-12, annual writing contest for several categories, $500, $250 & $125 prizes
    JFK Libraryhttps://www.jfklibrary.org/learn/education/profile-in-courage-essay-contestHigh School - PROFILE IN COURAGE ESSAY CONTEST - deadline January 15, 2021 $10,000, $3,000, $1,000 & $100 prizes!
    The Leyla Beban Young Authors Foundationhttps://www.bluefire.org/1000-word-contest/Grades 6-12 - $1000 for 1000 Words Writing Contest - deadline is February 1, 2021
    Bill of Rights Institutehttps://billofrightsinstitute.org/engage/students-programs-events/scholarship/Ages 14-19 -We The Students Essay Contest - annual writing contest - $7,500, $1,500 and $500 prizes!
    Jane Austen Society of North Americahttp://jasna.org/programs/essay-contest/High School - annual essay contest - $1,000, $500 and $250 awards!
    Lewis Center Princetonhttps://arts.princeton.edu/about/opportunities/high-school-contests/ten-minute-play-contest/11th grade only - annual 10-Minute Play contest. $500, $250 and $100 prizes
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